Mr. Arun Kogta

Managing Director & CEO

Future with environmentally and socially responsible homes and industrial developments

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Kogta Financial (I) Ltd has the privilege and responsibility of not only driving sustainability in its own operations, but also through its financing decisions. Sustainable finance is the need of the hour, and KFL is committed to take action on this front. The key to achieving this is consciously striving to factor Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in our operations & financing decisions thereby scaling up our responsible business conduct.

Our Progress this Season

Sustainability at Core

Sustainability Awards

Sustainability Report

Our ESG Vision
To ensure our services and operations are sustainable from environmental, social and financial perspective.
At KFL, we always consider ESG at the forefront and hence we constantly benchmark our environmental, social, and governance practices against global standards and make substantial efforts to create more value for our stakeholders.
Kogta Financial ESG Report

ESG Awareness Blogs